MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Network Reference
Issue 1
August 1998
Call-Handling Scenarios
Page 2-31Network Configuration Scenarios
Table 2–5. Intersystem Calling: Scenario 1, Continued
Type of Call Caller Caller Dials Recipient Recipient Sees...
Transfer of outside GS/LS call to
non-local extension
Outside to
System A: Ext. 3105
Transfer System B Ext. 6871,
Display: Number
Transfer of outside PRI-ANI call
to non-local extension. Initial
System A recipient sees ANI
information, for example,
Outside to
System A: Ext. 3212
Transfer System B Ext. 6988,
PassageWay client, no
screen pop from original
caller received. Phone at
extension displays
transfer originator
Display: Both
Caller ID PSTN call on loop-
start line
Outside to System B,
which routes call to a
local extension that has
delayed Remote Call
Forwarding to a System
A extension turned on.
(System B
Listed Directory
System B extension
user has turned on
Remote Call Forwarding
to System A Ext. 3212,
MLX-20L by dialing:
+ (tandem PRI
trunk no.) +
Transfer of outside call to local
extension on System A.
Extension is busy or
unavailable. Centralized
VMS/AA provides coverage.
Outside to System A:
Ext. 3233
System B Ext. 771,
centralized VMS/AA. Call
information signals
received from System A
indicate an outside call.
Not Applicable
Outside call to calling group on
System A. All group members
are busy and overflow
threshold is reached.
Centralized VMS/AA provides
Outside to System A:
overflows to local
integrated VMI calling
group 771.
(programmed to
ring into calling
System B Ext. 771,
centralized VMS/AA. Call
information signals
received from System A
indicate an outside call.
Not Applicable