ASAI Release History
Issue 7 March 1998
Summary of Past Release Notes
This section contains complete release notes for previous ASAI releases.
■ Release 5
■ G3V4
■ G3V3
■ G3V2
A brief description of the Release 6 features appears at the beginning of this
Release 5 Notes
The following features were added in CallVisor ASAI.
Global Call Classification
The Global Call Classification capability supports recognition and classification of
progress tones, special information tones, answering machines, and modem
tones in most countries. As with classification in the US, the accuracy of
classification varies with the type of tone and method of tone generation. In
addition, the Call Classification Status Query has been enhanced.
To administer this feature in the DEFINITY ECS, see the System Parameters
OCM Call Classification form in Chapter 5 of the
DEFINITY Enterprise
Communications Server Administration and Feature Description
, 555-230-522.
Advice of Charge (AOC)
ASAI now supports the ISDN Advice of Charge feature that enables an
application to keep a real-time cost meter running for each active, outgoing
call. This feature allows charge information about the call to be returned to
the DEFINITY ECS in the form of message units that are sent during the
call or at the end of the call as a total count of charges to the call. This
feature is supported in (France, Germany, Italy, and Spain) as well as other
European countries and Australia. It is not currently supported in North