DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Installation and Test for Compact Modular Cabinets
Issue 3
May 1998
Installation Completion and Cable Pinouts
Page 2-5TN760D Tie Trunk Option Settings
TN760D Tie Trunk Option Settings
The TN760D Tie Trunk circuit pack interfaces between 4 tie trunks and the TDM
bus. Two tip and ring pairs form a 4-wire analog transmission line. An E and M
pair are DC signaling leads used for call setup. The E-lead receives signals from
the tie trunk and the M-lead transmits signals to the tie trunk.
To choose the preferred signaling format (Tab l e 2 -2
and Table 2-3), set the
switches on the TN760D and administer the port using Figure 2-2
and Tab le 2- 4 .
1. An open circuit is preferred instead of battery voltage.
Table 2-2. Signaling Formats for TN760D
Mode Type
E & M Type I Standard (unprotected)
E & M Type I Compatible (unprotected)
Protected Type I Compatible, Type I Standard
Simplex Type V
E & M Type V
E & M Type V Revised
Table 2-3. Signaling Type Summary
Signaling Type Transmit (M-Lead) Receive (E-Lead)
On-Hook Off-Hook On-Hook Off-Hook
Type I Standard ground battery open
/battery ground
Type I Compatible open
/battery ground ground open
Type V open
/battery ground open ground
Type V Reversed ground open ground open