The sensitivity controls the ability of the unit to pick up echoes. A low
sensitivity level excludes much of the bottom information, fish signals,
and other target information. High sensitivity levels let you see this detail,
but it can also clutter the screen with many undesired signals. Typically,
the best sensitivity level shows a good solid bottom signal with Grayline
and some surface clutter.
The sensitivity is adjusted to keep a solid bottom signal displayed, plus a
little more when the unit is in the automatic mode. This gives it the capa-
bility to show fish and other detail.
However, situations occur where it becomes necessary to increase or
decrease the sensitivity. This typically happens when you wish to see
more detail, so an increase in sensitivity is indicated. The procedure to
adjust it is the same whether the unit is in the automatic or manual mode.
To adjust the sensitivity, press the
MENU key, then select “Sensitiv-
ity”. The screen at right appears.
The sensitivity control has a ver-
tical adjustment bar. The number
at the bottom of the bar shows
the percentage of sensitivity in
To increase the sensitivity level,
press the up arrow key. As you
press the key, the control knob
will move upward and the percentage will increase in value. You can also
see the difference on the chart record as it scrolls. When the sensitivity is
at the desired level, release the key.
To decrease the sensitivity level, press the down arrow key. The control
knob will move downward and the percentage will decrease. When the
sensitivity is at the desired level, release the key. When you reach either
the maximum or minimum limit, a tone sounds.
To erase the menu, press the EXIT key.
Automatic Sensitivity
The unit can adjust the sensitivity for you. It bases the sensitivity level on
water depth and conditions. To turn this on, press the MENU key, then