When entering a street name, do not enter the street's compass direc-
tion (N, S, E or W) in the street name field. Just enter the number, or
name. If the example below had been a search for 324 E. 9th St, you
would enter 9th and press
ENT. The iFINDER will generate a list of
all possible 9th streets and let you choose the one you want.
Find street by name menu (left); Street entry is complete (right).
5. To enter a city name, press ↓ to CITY|ENT. You will be asked if you
want to find addresses only within a particular city. This option is de-
signed so you can limit an address search to a single city if necessary (see
the note below).
If you select yes, there are two options: A. You can spell out the city
name in the top selection box. Press ↑ or ↓ to change the first letter, then
press → to move the cursor to the next letter and repeat until the name
is correct, then press
ENT|ENT. B. Jump down to the lower selection list
by pressing
ENT, then press ↓ or ↑ to select a city name from the list,
then press
ENT. The city name you selected is now in the city field. To
return to the previous page, press
We recommend you do not enter a city name unless the resulting
list is too large when you try searching without including the city.
The iFINDER can actually search quicker without a city and you
save time by not entering a city name.