Group B
This screen has a map on the top half with bear-
ing (BRG), distance to go (DIS), track (TRK) and
the CDI on the lower half.
Group C
A half screen map is on the left side of the screen.
A quarter-size map is in the upper right corner.
in the middle of the screen. Track (TRK) and the
CDI shows distance to go (DIS) show in the lower
right quarter.
Group D
This group has a half-screen map on the left side
of the screen. CDI, bearing (BRG), estimated time
en-route (ETE), and ground speed (GS) are on
the right side.
Group E
Digital displays make up this group. It has bear-
ing (BRG), distance to go (DIS), track (TRK),
ground speed (GS), CDI, estimated time en-route
(ETE), velocity made good (VMG), and altitude