Section 2:
Mapping Mode Operation
This section addresses the unit's Mapping Mode operation. Mapping
Mode includes all navigation features, from finding the nearest restau-
rant to plotting a road trip across the country. If you would prefer to
start out using the built-in music player, skip ahead to Sec. 3, Music
Mode Operation.
Before you turn on the unit and find where you are, it's a good idea to
learn about the different keys, the two Page screens and how they work
together. BUT, if you just can't wait to get navigating, turn to the one-
page Map Mode Quick Reference on page 19.
iWAY 500C GPS unit, front view, showing Map Mode and keyboard.
1. SPEAK/VOLUME – Push this key once to make the iWAY repeat
the current navigation instruction. Press and hold this key to adjust the
frequency and output volume of spoken commands (as well as the vol-
ume of music playback). For more information on these sounds options,
see the heading "Sound and Voice Setup" in Sec. 4.