Find a Street
If you just want to find your way to a single street, choose FIND FIRST
STREET and the iWAY will provide a list of streets of similar names. If
the list is too long, try specifying a city by pressing inside the
CITY field
and entering a name on the virtual keyboard.
From the list, choose the name of the street you're looking for, and the
iWAY will display it on the map.
Find an Intersection
To find an intersection, make sure you've entered a street name in the
First Street field as described in the previous instructions. Repeat
those steps to enter the name of a crossing street in the
field, then choose FIND INTERSECTION and the iWAY will provide a list of
all known intersections of those two street names. Choose one from the
list, and the iWAY will show a dialog asking whether you want to
the intersection, FIND ON MAP, or ADD TO ADDRESS BOOK.
Find Streets menu shown left, with the list of found intersections right.
Choosing New Destinations while Navigating
So far we've taught you all the ways to make the iWAY generate a
route for you from scratch. No matter which method you use, the iWAY
responds in the same way. It begins examining the roads between your
current position, and your selected destination.
If you’re already navigating to a destination, though, the iWAY will
behave a little differently. The iWAY needs to know whether you want
to cancel your previous navigation, or put it on hold while you visit this
new location. You can even schedule to visit the new location after you
finish your current route.
If you choose to Go To a new destination while you’re navigating, the
following dialog will appear.