PROBLEM: No LED indicators illuminate on the charger.
Solution Sequence
: Check the AC power supply from its source through all connecting points up to the
charger by using a meter or test light to confirm that current is being delivered to the charger.
PROBLEM: The Green (POWER) LED is illuminated, but the Red (CHARGING) LED and the Green
(READY) LED are off.
Solution Sequence
: This indicates that the charger does not recognize that it is connected properly to a
battery that has at least 5Volts. With the AC power supply cord unplugged, check the ring terminals for
correct polarity (Red to positive or +) and (Black to negative or - ). Also check for corrosion free secure
connections to the batteries. Check in-line fuses in charge cable for any signs of opening or corroded
connections. Call the technical support group for further assistance (800.742.2420).
PROBLEM: The RED (CHARGING) LED remains illuminated for more than 16 hours and the Green
(READY) LED does not come on.
Solution Sequence
: This indicates that the battery is not reaching a sufficient voltage to indicate that the
battery is fully charged. Disconnect AC power to the charging system. On multi bank chargers, remove
the charge cable assembly of the affected bank from the battery and attach it to another battery in the
boat. Take the original charge cable assembly from this battery and attach it to the battery from which
you removed the first cable. Plug the charger in and observe the LED indications. If the rapid LED
sequence (red to green repeatedly) occurs on a different bank of the charger, this confirms the existence
of a battery problem.
On single bank systems, simply try the charger on another battery. If the charger now operates normally
(steady red LEDs or changes to green and holds), this indicates a possible problem with the original
If the same bank continues to malfunction, please call our technical support group (800.742.2740).
PROBLEM: The green (READY) LED was illuminated before disconnecting the power from the
charger, but upon reconnection, the red (CHARGING) LED appears and remains on.
Solution Sequence
: This is normal operating procedure for the system and simply indicates that a re-
analysis of the battery status has been initiated and after a series of steps, the green LED will illuminate.