contacts should not be greased. To keep the contacts
clean, rotate the current control handle through its
entire range frequently. Good practice is to turn the
handle from maximum to minimum setting twice each
morning before starting to weld. Never rotate the han-
dle while the machine is under load.
Put a drop of oil on the CURRENT RANGE SELEC-
TOR shaft at least once every month.
RECEPTACLE: Keep the electrical receptacle in good
condition. Remove any dirt, oil, or other debris from
surfaces and holes.
CABLE CONNECTIONS: Check the welding cable
connections at the weld output terminals often. Be
sure that the connections are always tight.
Before doing electrical work on the idler printed circuit
board, disconnect the battery.
1. The solenoid plunger must work freely because
binding can cause engine surging. If surging
occurs, be sure the plunger is properly lined up with
the carburetor lever. Dust the plunger about once a
year with graphite powder.
2. When any service is done, reassemble the rubber
bellows on the solenoid plunger with the vent hole
on the lower side.
3. Proper operation of the idler requires good ground-
ing of the printed circuit board (through its mount-
ing). The reed switch and battery must also be
grounded properly.
4. If desired, the welder can be used without automat-
ic idling by setting the “Idler” switch to the “High Idle”
5. When installing a new battery or using a jumper bat-
tery to start the engine, be sure the battery polarity
is connected properly. The correct polarity is nega-
tive ground. Damage to the engine alternator and
the printed circuit board can result from incorrect
D-8 D-8
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