Sit up Twist
Caution: This exercise should only be completed at very
low frequency speeds. Frequency higher than level 2 is not
recommended. If you experience discomfort stop and move
on to the next exercise.
Body Position: Sit on the platform with the right leg extended
and left leg bent at the knee with the left foot sitting flat on the
platform. Place the left hand flat on the floor and the right hand
behind the head with shoulder and elbow pulled back.
Instruction: Take a deep breath and as you exhale contract the side abdominals and hold.
Muscle Groups: abdominals
Upper Body
Push Up
Body Position: Place both hands on the plate slightly wider
than shoulder width apart with both feet on the floor and
maintaining a straight back and hips.
Instruction: Bend your elbows to a position that you feel
comfortable controlling and hold.
Muscle Groups: chest, shoulders, abs
Note: To reduce the difficulty of this exercise you can keep your knees on the floor and bend at
the waist with both hands placed flat on the platform.
Tricep Dip
Body Position: Sit in front of the platform, facing away from the platform with you back near
the front of the platform. Place your hands, shoulder width apart on the front edge of the plate
and your fingers pointing towards your body.
Instruction: Raise your buttocks off the floor and bend your elbows slightly.
Muscle Groups: Triceps and Shoulders