The Track Console has 16 specially designed pre-programmed workouts that have been developed by LIFE FITNESS.
Each workout has a different goal. Read the workout descriptions carefully so that you can develop a workout routine that
focuses on reaching your specifi c goals. The workout descriptions on the following pages all have headers labeled:
Beginner – Just Starting
Experienced – Fit
Advanced – Athlete
Beginner workouts are workouts designed for users just starting to workout or just starting a workout routine. Beginner
workouts have limited gradual intensity adjustments. Experienced workouts are designed for users seeking a more chal-
lenging workout. These users should have a stronger fi tness base. Advanced workouts are designed for athletes training
for cardiovascular endurance and special events.
Different workouts have different setup steps. This section provides details on the steps themselves. The main screen of
the console is known as the “Select Workout” screen which looks like the following:
When this screen appears on the console, use the WORKOUT SELECTION buttons to scroll through all the workout
choices and select a workout by pressing ENTER. To begin a QUICK START workout, press ENTER when the above
“Select Workout” screen appears.
Throughout the workout setup process, the Up / Down arrows can be used to adjust the value that is selected and the
Left / Right arrows can be used to scroll back and forth between different steps. In order to advance to the next step,
either press the Right arrow or ENTER key. After entering the last step, press ENTER to begin the workout.
QUICK START is the fastest way to begin exercising, and it bypasses the steps involved in selecting a specifi c workout
program. Begin a QUICK START workout by pressing the ENTER key at the SELECT WORKOUT screen. After ENTER is
pressed, a constant-level workout begins. The intensity level does not change automatically. You must change it using the