Service and Technical Data: Basic Workouts Console
Troubleshooting Basic Workout Console
1. The console display looks strange or has an error message and is not functioning.
A. Unplug the unit to reset the console and then plug it back in. Do this multiple times if console error
message still appears. If the problem still exists please call customer service.
2. My console keeps going into a mode where the message center displays “HIT ENTER”
A. Your product is in safety mode and this locked feature is to protect someone from accidentally pressing
a button they are not suppose to. You can go into the Settings Menu to disable this feature or extend the
length of the time it takes for this feature to turn on. Please refer to the Settings Menu section of the manual.
3. My console displays “STUCK KEY”
A. One of the keys is stuck under the plastic console shell; check all the keys and un-stick the one that is stuck
by pressing the sides of the key. If that does not work then try unplugging the unit and plug it back in.
4. My console displays “SLEEP”
A. The console is in sleep mode and can be woken up by pressing any key. Sleep Mode can be turned on
and off in the Settings Menu.
5. My console will not light up.
A. Make sure the unit is plugged in or if you have a R3 or C3 then begin pedaling to light the console.
If the console will still not turn on make sure all the connections in the back of the console are plugged
in correctly according to the assembly instructions. If this still does not work contact Customer Service.
6. The heart rate reading seems erratic.
A. Remove hands from from heart rate sensors and wait until heart rate icon and heart rate number
disappears. This allows the heart rate system to reset. Grasp hand sensors firmly and keep hands still.
The contact heart rate system may be less or more accurate with different individuals.