8. Problem:
The message Two IPDS Sources Recycle Power displays and the printer stops.
The SIMM for IPDS supports only LAN attached hosts or a coaxial/twinaxial
attached host. You must be trying to print from both:
• a coaxial/twinaxial attachment using a SCS adapter and either
• a LAN attachment using a MarkNet S Token-Ring or Ethernet adapter or
• a parallel attachment using a MarkNet Pro or MarkNet XLe.
9. Problem:
I’m trying to set up a remote printer with a MarkNet S, MarkNet Pro, or MarkNet
XLe (named Optra) from my AS/400. When I try to print to it, I get the message:
“All sessions ended for device Optra”
“Bind sense code ... received for mode QSPWTR device Optra”
“Writer...did not end normally”
A remote output queue created using CRTOUTQ and a PSFCFG device created
using WRKAFP2 or CRTPSFCFG have the same user defined name. You must
use a unique name for the remote output queue for an ASCII device using TCP/IP
and the AS/400 Host Print Transform. This cannot be the same name used to
define the printer as an IPDS printer with WRKAFP2 or CRTPSFCFG.