Now the PCM92 unit is identified by the selected base channel, and virtual
machines 1, 2, 3, and 4 within the PCM92 are identified by their respective
chANNeL MAP (hoW chANNeLS MAP to MAchINeS)
Channel Usage Description
Base Channel System Level Use for loading System presets. This is the PCM92 unit’s base channel. The next
four channels apply to this PCM92 unit’s virtual machines.
for virtual
machines 1-4
machines 1-4
Changes parameters in one virtual machine in a System preset on the PCM92 unit
with base channel 0. Use for loading machine presets and changing parameters for
individual machines.
The Bank Dump feature lets you copy all the presets in a User bank from
one PCM92 to another (or to another MIDI device). Refer to the MIDI
Control section on page 20 for information about Bank Dump.
ReveRSe bANK dUMP (bANK “LoAd”)
You can perform a “reverse bank dump” by recording a bank dump to your
MIDI sequencer, then playing that sysex back to the PCM92 to restore the
All PCM92 soft row parameters can be controlled with single, 7-bit control-
lers. Each parameter is controlled with the full controller range, regardless of
the parameter range. For example, if the controller is at the midpoint of its
range (64), the parameter will also be at the midpoint of its range no matter
what the actual number.
Continuous Controllers range from 0 to 127. If the parameter range is less
than 127, then a small controller change might not result in a parameter
update. But the entire range of the parameter can still be accurately con-
trolled. In addition, if the actual range of the parameter is greater than 127,
MIDI control might be somewhat coarse. This is most noticeable with large
When MIDI is enabled, the PCM92 automatically sends MIDI messages
through the MIDI Out port for soft row parameters and preset loads when-
ever those actions are performed via the front panel controls.
Soft Row Parameter MIDI CC
Parameter #1 CC 48
Parameter #2 CC 49
Parameter #3 CC 50
Parameter #4 CC 51
Parameter #5 CC 52
Parameter #6 CC 53
Parameter #7 CC 54
Parameter #8 CC 55