adjustable objective or side focus model scope, perform any correc-
tion for parallax before continuing, as explained in “Understanding
Parallax” on pages 29-32.)
1. Fire a shot or two.
2. If you are several inches off center, make an appropriate
amount of adjustment to move the reticle to the center of
the target.
3. Carefully fire a three-shot group.
4. Use the center of that group as a reference point for the final
adjustments to windage and elevation.
On the sample target, the center of the group is two inches low and
three inches right. Assuming
you’re sighting-in at 100 yards,
you should make a 2-MOA
adjustment up, and a 3-MOA
adjustment left. Your next
three-shot group should be
very close to the center of the
target. To learn about making
final adjustments, proceed to
the upcoming section on wind-
age and elevation adjustments.