General checkout
This chapter presents the following information:
• “What to do rst” on page 20
• “Power system checkout” on page 21
Before you go to the checkout, make sure to read the following important notes:
Important notes:
• Onlycertiedtrainedpersonnelcanservicethecomputer.
• BeforereplacinganyFRU,readtheentirepageonremovingandreplacing
• WhenyoureplaceFRUs,usenewnylon-coatedscrews.
• Beextremelycarefulduringsuchwriteoperationsascopying,saving,or
formatting. Drives in the computer that you are servicing sequence might
have been altered. If you select an incorrect drive, data or programs might be
• ReplaceanFRUonlywithanotherFRUofthecorrectmodel. When you
replace an FRU, make sure that the machine model and the FRU part number are
correct by referring to the FRU parts list.
• AnFRUshouldnotbereplacedjustbecauseofasingle,unreproducible
failure.Single failures can occur for a variety of reasons that have nothing to
do with a hardware defect, such as cosmic radiation, electrostatic discharge, or
software errors. Consider replacing an FRU only when a problem recurs. If you
suspect that an FRU is defective, clear the error logs and run the test again. If the
error does not recur, do not replace the FRU.
• BecarefulnottoreplaceanondefectiveFRU.