Item # 8084 FRUs FRU# CRU
10 Intel Celeron 2.6 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G D1S D2U D2F D2U D2F D3U D3F
13R8907 * *
10 Intel Celeron 2.7 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G) 13R8947 * *
10 Intel Celeron 2.8 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G E1U E1F E2U E2F) 13R8963 * *
10 Intel Prescott Celeron 2.4 GHz (models A4J) 19R0780 * *
10 Intel Celeron 2.53GHz (models B1G B2G 76G CTO-U CTO-G B2S B3U B3F B4U
19R0417 * *
10 Intel Celeron 2.66GHz (models D4G 77G D4S D5U D5F D6U D6F D7U) 19R0419 * *
10 Intel Celeron 2.8GHz (models E3G 78G C3U E4U E4F E5U E5F 7RG) 19R0421 * *
10 Intel Prescott Celeron 2.93GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G E6G 7KG 7SG) 29R6989 * *
10 Intel Prescott Celeron 3.06GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G E8U E8F E9U E9F EAS
29R6990 * *
10 Intel P4 2.6 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G 41U) 73P0574 * *
10 Intel P4 2.8 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G 1FU 72G) 19R2302 * *
10 Intel P4 2.66 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G) 74P1629 * *
10 Intel P4 2.8 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G 1BS 1AU 11U 12G 13U 13F 14U 14F 79G
74P1631 * *
10 Intel P4 3.06 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G 25U 25F 27U 27F) 74P1633 * *
10 Intel P4 2.4 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G) 88P5867 * *
10 Intel P4 2.6 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G) 88P5868 * *
10 Intel P4 2.8 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G) 88P5869 * *
10 Intel P4 3.0 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G) 88P5870 * *
10 Intel P4 3.2 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G) 88P5871 * *
10 Intel Prescott P4 2.8 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G 15G 16G 1CG 1DC 73G 74G
7AG 1HU 1HF 1JU 1JF 7GG 7HG)
19R0423 * *
10 Intel Prescott P4 2.8 GHz (models 17S CTO-U CTO-G 18G 19G 1EC 7BG C5U
19R0292 * *
10 Intel Prescott P4 3.0 GHz (models 23S CTO-U CTO-G 21G 22G 24U 26G 7CG C6U
7DG 28U 28F 29U 29F 7JG 2AU 7UG)
19R0294 * *
10 Intel Prescott P4 3.2 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G 31U 31G 32G 7EG C7U 33G 34U
34F 35U 35F 7NG 36U 37S 7VG)
19R0296 * *
10 Intel Prescott P4 3.4 GHz (models CTO-U CTO-G 51G 52G 53U 7PG 7QG C8U) 29R6991 * *
11 Heat sink and fan and fan, Northwood <3.0 GHZ (models D1S D2U D2F D2U D2F
D3U D3F C2U E1U E1F E2U E2F 41U 1FU 72G 1BS 1AU 11U 12G 13U 13F 14U
14F 79G C4U CTO-U CTO-G)
32P4004 * *
11 Heat sink and fan, Northwood >=3.0 GHZ and all Prescott (models 17S 23S 21G
24U 15G 16G 1CG 1DC 73G 74G 7AG 18G 19G 1EC 7BG C5U 31U 31G 32G 7EG
C7U 1GU B1G B2G 76G D4G 77G E3G 78G C3U 1HU 1HF 1JU 1JF 28U 28F 29U
29F 7JG 7GG 7HG B2S B3U B3F B4U B4F D4S D5U D5F D6U D6F E4U E4F E5U
E5F A4J E6G 7KG 33G 34U 34F 35U 35F 7NG 51G 52G 53U 7PG 7QG C8U 7DG
22G 24U 26G 7CG C6U 25U 25F 27U 27F CTO-U CTO-G D7U E8U E8F E9U E9F
EAS 2AU 36U 37S EBG 7TG 7RG 7SG 7UG 7VG)
13R9195 * *
138 Hardware Maintenance Manual