3. Copy and unpack the ASU package, which also includes other required les, to the server. Make sure
that you unpack the ASU and the required les to the same directory. In addition to the application
executable (asu or asu64), the following les are required:
• For Windows based operating systems:
– ibm_rndis_server_os.inf
– device.cat
• For Linux based operating systems:
– cdc_interface.sh
4. After you install ASU, use the following command syntax to set the UUID: asu set
SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoUUID <uuid_value> [access_method]
<uuid_value> Up to 16-byte hexadecimal value assigned by you.
The access method that you selected to use from
the following methods:
• Online authenticated LAN access, type the command: [host <imm_internal_ip>] [user
<imm_user_id>][password <imm_password>]
The IMM internal LAN/USB IP address. The
default value is
The IMM account (1 of 12 accounts). The default
value is USERID.
The IMM account password (1 of 12 accounts).
The default value is PASSW0RD (with a zero 0
not an O).
Note: If you do not specify any of these parameters, ASU will use the default values. When the default
values are used and ASU is unable to access the IMM using the online authenticated LAN access
method, ASU will automatically use the unauthenticated KCS access method.
The following commands are examples of using the userid and password default values and not
using the default values:
Example that does not use the userid and password default values:
asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SYsInfoUUID <uuid_value> user <user_id>
password <password>
Example that does use the userid and password default values:
asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoUUID <uuid_value>
• Online KCS access (unauthenticated and user restricted): You do not need to specify a value for
access_method when you use this access method.
asu set SYSTEM_PROD_DATA.SysInfoUUID <uuid_value>
The KCS access method uses the IPMI/KCS interface. This method requires that the IPMI driver
be installed. Some operating systems have the IPMI driver installed by default. ASU provides the
corresponding mapping layer. See the Advanced Settings Utility Users Guide for more details. You
can access the ASU Users Guide from the Lenovo support Web site.
a. Go to http://www.lenovo.com/support.
b. Enter your product number (machine type and model number) or select Servers and Storage
from the Select your product list.
Chapter 6. Replacing FRUs 169