
# 6065 FRUs FRU# CRU Tier
11 System board, Lagavulin III - Jupiter AMT(GA) fixed ODD issue; support 45nm
processor (models)
46R8690 N
11 System board, Lagavulin III - Jupiter non AMT(GA) fixed ODD issue ; support
45nm processor (models A1V CTO)
46R8689 N
12 Memory module, 1 GB PC2-5300 (667MHz) DDR2 SDRAM (all models) 41X4256 2
The FRUs listed in the following table are not illustrated.
6065 FRUs FRU# CRU Tier
Cable, SATA hard disk drive and optical drive (all models) 39K5061 2
Under-desk Mounting Kit (all models) 39M0599 1
Bezel, Ultra-Bay-Enhanced (all models) 89P6804 2
HSS Tray assembly (includes grommet/pins/bracket/ground springs) (all models) 89P6778 2
Power/LED cable assembly with bracket (all models) 39K5055 2
Rear Exhaust Fan assembly (all models) 39M0551 2
Miscellaneous hardware kit (all models) 89P6794 2
PCI Riser Card Bracket assembly (all models) 41N8276 2
Battery 3.0V (all models) 33F8354 2
Thermal Sense cable (850 mm) (all models) 41R2511 2
Front fan assembly (850 mm) (all models) 41R6359 2
SATA (450mm) / PATA(455mm) cable (all models) 43N9059 2
Fansink for Lagavulin III - Value FMB Copper with screened grease (all models) 41A7711 N
Ultra Bay Enhanced Bezel-Foxconn (all models) 43N9481 2
HDD Tray Asm (includes grommet/pins/brkt/gnd springs)-Foxconn (all models) 43N9482 2
Power/LED Cable Asm, with brkt-Foxconn (all models) 43N9483 2
Lagavulin/Apollo Chassis and Cover Asm-Foxconn (all models) 43N9485 N
Lag/Apollo Front Rotating Cage Asm ,Foxconn (all models) 43N9543 N
Top Cover-Foxconn (all models) 43N9486 N
Lag/Arm Fron Bezel Asm-Foxconn (all models) 43N9487 2
Lag/ApolloFron Bezel Asm-Foxconn (all models) 43N9488 2
FRONT FAN ASSY FOR Arm,Apollo-Foxconn (all models) 43N9489 2
Rear Exhaust Fan Asm ,Foxconn (all models) 43N9549 2
Vertical Stand-Foxconn (all models) 43N9490 1
Rear Air Deflector-Foxconn (all models) 43N9491 1
Miscellaneous Hardware Kit-Foxconn (all models) 43N9492 2
Plastic Parts kit-Foxconn (all models) 43N9493 2
Lagavulin Underdesk Mounting Kit-Foxconn (all models) 43N9494 1
Riser Card Bracket Asm, Flippable PCI and PCIX/DVI (new connector), RoHS ,Foxconn
(all models)
43N9554 2
PCI Riser Card Brkt Asm (Armstrong), Foxconn (all models) 43N9555 2
186 Hardware Maintenance Manual