6. Turn your computer back on.
Non-optical mouse
The following illustration shows the components of a non-optical mouse.
Note: The illustration might be slightly different from your mouse.
1 Retainer ring
2 Ball
3 Plastic rollers
4 Ball cage
The non-optical mouse uses a ball to navigate the pointer. If the pointer on the
screen does not move smoothly with the mouse, you might need to clean the
To clean the non-optical mouse, do the following:
1. Turn off your computer.
2. Disconnect the mouse cable from the computer.
3. Turn the mouse upside down. Twist the retainer ring 1 to the unlocked
position to reveal the ball.
4. Place your hand over the retainer ring and ball 2, and then turn the mouse
bottom-side down, so that the retainer ring and ball fall out into your hand.
5. Wash the ball in warm, soapy water. Then, dry it with a clean cloth.
6. Carefully blow air into the ball cage 4 to dislodge dust and lint.
7. Look for a buildup of dirt on the plastic rollers 3 inside the ball cage. This
buildup usually appears as a stripe running across the middle of the rollers.
Chapter 6. Troubleshooting and diagnostic programs 31