
Leica M-series User Manual 13
Congratulations on obtaining your new Leica M series stereomicroscope.
We are convinced it will exceed your expectations, as never before have
we applied our decades of experience in the areas of optics, mechanical
engineering and ergonomics in such an uncompromising manner.
The Leica M series embodies all the qualities you associate with the name
Leica Microsystems: excellent objectives, high-quality engineering, and
reliability. Furthermore, the modular design ensures that the M series
adapts perfectly to your needs—no matter which accessories you require
for your tasks.
The entire imaging system, including the zoom, objective and ErgoTube®,
is apochromatically corrected with much technological effort. Contrast,
sharpness, richness in detail, resolution, image and color fidelity are opti-
mum. In addition, the patented illumination beam path guarantees at every
zoom level that light utilization is at a maximum and that fluorescence images
are intensely luminous on a jet black background.
Though the reliability and robustness of Leica stereomicroscopes is
legendary, like any high-tech product, the Leica M series requires a certain
degree of care and attention. Therefore, we recommend that you read
this manual. It contains all the information you need regarding operation,
safety and maintenance. Simply observing a few guidelines will ensure
that even after years of intensive use, your stereomicroscope will continue
to work as smoothly and reliably as on the very first day.
We wish you the best of success in your work—after all, you are now
equipped with the best tool!