14. Index
Focus position 82
Focus stop 63
Focus wheel 16, 18, 19
Focusing 82
Focusing telescope 33
Focusing telescope 69
Frequency 10
Front control panel
20, 21, 63, 89
Function button assignment
58, 62
Function buttons 58, 61, 62, 63
Fuses 10
General view 21
Glass insert 31
Graticule 85
Halogen lamp 12V 100W 41
Handling acids and bases 96
Heating Insert P 31
Height compensation plate 98
Hg mercury burner 43
High-pressure mercury burner
100 W 44, 45
High-pressure xenon burner
75 W 45
IC condenser prisms 36
IC prisms 27
Illumination 60, 65, 91
Image centering 66
IMM 86
Immersion objectives 86, 87
Immersion oil 97
Incident light lamp housing 19
Incident Light Turret Disk 48
Incident light, fluorescence 68
Incident-light axis 12
Initialization 74
Insert frame for coverslips 33
Inserting the lamp 42
Inserts for attachable
mechanical stage 30
Installation site 23
Intelligent automation 55
Intensity control 89
Intensity controls 16
Interfaces 15
Intermediate pupil interface 18
Knobs 57, 64
Koehler Illumination 65, 67
Lamp bases 45
Lamp housing 106 z (L)
42, 44, 46, 71
Lamp housing 107 L 71
Lamp housing 107 or 107/2 41
Lamp housing for incident
light 17
Lamp housing for transmitted
light 17
Lamp housing receptacle 42
Lamp mount 18
Lamp power cable
Lamp replacement 40
Leica CTR6000 electronics box
10, 15, 17, 53, 59, 74
LeicaScreen 18
LeicaScreen 20, 56, 59, 60, 75, 94
Light intensity 18, 61
Light rings 34, 59
Light source adjustment 71
Light sources 89
Load 49, 64
Lower stop 63, 82
Magnification 60
Magnification changer
13, 63, 89
Manual method (Pol) 78
Mechanical 3-plate stage 28
Medical instrument 8
Mercury lamps 72
Micromanipulation stage with
attachable mechanical
stage 28
Mirror housing 42
Motorized 3-plate or scanning
stages 32
Motorized method (Pol) 78
Motorized polarizer 70
Multiple fluorescence 80
Object displacement 88
Objective aperture 77
Objective changing 85
Objective turret 13, 17, 19, 39
Objectives 17, 60, 85
Observation ports 14
of stand 53
Opening drawer 19
Operating mode 86
Operating temperature 11
Overvoltage category 10
Parfocality 39, 82
PCI card (PC) 52
Phase contrast 69
Phase contrast (TL) 77, 93
Phase contrast rings
35, 36, 59, 69
Phillips screwdriver 25
Pictograms 99
Polarization (TL) 78, 93
Polarizer 50, 70
Polarizer holder 50
Pollution degree 10
Port 84
Port selection 84
Port switching 20
Power input: 10
Power supply 54
Precise 88
Protective gloves 44
Protective mask 44