7. Start-up
Possible assignments for variable function buttons on stand and SmartMove
For Leica DMI4000B and Leica DMI6000B:
Function button Function
BF Bright field transmitted light
PH Phase contrast transmitted light
ICT Interference contrast, transmitted light
DF Dark field transmitted light
IMC Integrated modulation contrast
POL Polarization transmitted light
CHANGE TL Cycle through all contrast methods
INT ↑ Increase intensity (transmitted light)
INT ↓ Reduce intensity (transmitted light)
AP ↑ Open aperture diaphragm (transmitted light)
AP ↓ Close aperture diaphragm (transmitted light)
FD ↑ Open field diaphragm (transmitted light)
FD ↓ Close field diaphragm (transmitted light)
SHUTTER TL Open/close TL shutter
TL FLT 1 Enable/disable transmitted-light filter at position 1
TL FLT 2 Enable/disable transmitted-light filter at position 2
FLUO Fluorescence (last filter cube)
CUBE 1-6 Select filter cube in position 1-6
CHANGE CUBE CW Change cube clockwise (1 → 4)
CHANGE CUBE CCW Change cube counterclockwise (4 → 1)
INT FLUO ↑ Increase intensity (fluorescence)
INT FLUO ↓ Reduce intensity (fluorescence)
FD FLUO ↑ Open field diaphragm (fluorescence)
FD FLUO ↓ Close field diaphragm (fluorescence)
CHG FW Toggle filter functions
IFW Activate external filter wheel
ExMan Activate Excitation Manager
SHUTTER FL Open/close fluoshutter
COMBI Combination method (PH fluorescence or ICT fluorescence)
CHANGE COMBI Cycle through all combination methods
CHANGE OBJ CW Cycle through objectives clockwise
CHANGE OBJ CCW Cycle through objectives counterclockwise
Z FINE Activate fine focusing (Leica DMI6000B only)
Z COARSE Activate coarse focusing (Leica DMI6000B only)
XY PRECISE Activate precise stage
XY FAST Activate fast stage
BTP ON/OFF Bottom port on/off (Leica DMI6000B only)
DRY/IMM Switch dry/immersion
CHANGE FLT Switch TL filter
CHANGE CS Switch to confocal application
OBJ 1-6 Select objective at position 1-6
MEM 1-6 Memory activated stored functions