Leica DM750 Manual 37
If you are comfortable wearing your
corrective lenses (contact lenses or
eyeglasses) for microscope viewing, leave them
on and your adjustments will be minimal.
2. Using the fine focus adjusting knob, focus
on the specimen while looking through
only one of the eyepieces (when using one
eyepiece that is focusable and one that is
not focusable, look through the one that is
not focusable). To help focus, cover or close
the other eye.
3. Now look with the other eye just through
the other eyepiece (focusing eyepiece). This
time, focus the specimen by using the focu-
sing capability in the focusing eyepiece.
When doing so, do not change the
height of the specimen stage.
4. Grip the knurled ring on the focusing
eyepiece with one hand and rotate the top
of the eyepiece with the other hand until
the specimen is in focus for this eye and
this focusing eyepiece. This corrects for any
vision differences between your right eye
and left eye.
5. Now, switch to an objective with a high
magnification level (no oil objective) and
bring the microscope into focus while
looking through the eyepieces with both
The higher magnifications have a shallo-
wer depth of field. Therefore, after focus-
ing with a high magnification, you will find that
when you change to lower magnifications, you
only have to adjust the fine focus slightly, if at
Ϙ If you use a DM750 with standard illumi-
nation, continue with the "Oil Immersion
Technique" section on page 40.
Ϙ If your DM750 has a Koehler configuration,
please continue with the next section,
"Koehler Configuration", on page 38.
Viewing Tube Adjustment (cont.)