Leica ASP300
3. Instrument components and specifications
3.1 Specific instrument options
• Reagent Management System (RMS).
• The specimen cassette baskets may be used with or without cas-
sette dividers and spring separators designed to separate cassettes
and improve fluid penetration.
• In-process fluid recirculation (‘tidal agitation’) for continuous and ef-
ficient mixing of fluids.
• Remote fill/drain system for reagents.
• Remote fill/drain system for paraffin.
• Automatic optical fluid level sensor.
• Active paraffin wax solvent removal feature.
• Magnetic stirrer.
• Programmable program start time delay.
• Programmable finish time for processing programs.
• 3-step retort drain feature.
• Specimen processing under pressure, vacuum, alternating pressure
/ vacuum cycles or under ambient pressure.
• User-programmable clean cycles.