LTRx-512 User’s Guide
[5]=Schedule Changes
If you wish to activate schedules at a future date, use Schedule Changes to program a
schedule’s start date and time. This function works much like the Bell Schedule Function [4].
Enter your password (#0#), then press [#][5][#]
After making your choice, you will see
EFF. DATE : 00-00-00
EFF. TIME : 00:00
Enter the date and time, then press the schedule number (1-8) for each schedule to activate at
that date and time. You do not need to press [#] after you enter each value - only press [#]
after entering the last New Schedule on line 4.
After you enter each change, the menu gives you the chance to enter, scan or edit another one.
Or, press [*] to quit.
The Master will hold up to 16 programmed changes. Once your change occurs, your Master
clears it from memory, making room for you to enter more changes.
Note: Only the schedules entered in this function will activate at the Date and Time entered. Any
schedules previously active will become deactive if not on the list of new schedules.
[6]=Enable or Disable Circuits
This function requires the administrator password.
Use this function to Enable and Disable your Master’s control relays during circuit wiring or
maintenance. This function can also ‘hold back’ clocks to manually adjust for daylight savings
in the fall if you have chosen not to use Function 7 “Daylight Savings”.
[7]=Daylight Savings
This function requires the administrator password.