Setting the thickness guide-
The gray sliders on the sides of your Kreg Jig
control the
location for the Pocket Hole in relation to the edge of the
material. If your wood measures 3/4” thick, simply depress the
button and move the sliders so that the arrows align with the
3/4 mark. This setting will cause the screw to exit directly on the
center of your 3/4” thick material.
Find the numbers on the gray sliders that represent the
thickness of the workpiece you’ll be drilling. Align each slider
with the arrow and you’re set to go. Securely fasten the jig to
your workpiece, making sure the tabs at the end of the sliders
butt up against the edge of your workpiece as shown at right.
For safety, it’s important to make sure your Kreg Jig
is securely
clamped or fastened to your workpiece before drilling. You can
accomplish this by using a C-clamp or bar clamp that can be
found at most homecenters or hardware stores. It is often help-
ful to clamp your jig directly to the workbench with the bar clamp
while drilling the Pocket Holes as shown in the image at right.
You can also use our dual purpose Face Clamp to clamp the jig
in position (Item# PFC). Our Face Clamp is designed to be used
with the gray clamp adapter that came with this jig. The pad of
this clamp snaps into directly into the clamp adapter and locks
your Kreg Jig
securely in place while drilling. In addition, the
clamp can be used for assembly of the joint to keep everything
fl ush while you drive the screws.
Setting the drill depth-
Now that you’ve got your Kreg Jig
securely fastened to your
workpiece, you need to control the depth of the Pocket Hole you
will drill. This is accomplished by positioning the depth collar
on the drill bit according to the thickness of your material to be
joined. The quickest way to position the depth collar along the
length of the drill bit is to use the scale molded into your
Kreg Jig
case. Like the numbers on the depth sliders on the
jig body, these numbers correspond to the thickness of the
material you’ll be drilling. Just make sure the “step” on the drill
bit is tight against the step in the case, then move the collar to
the appropriate location aligned with the scale and lock it into
place with the allen wrench.
Another way you can set the position of the depth collar is to use
a ruler or tape measure. The chart on the inside of your case lid
shows you the correct tape measure settings. Again, measure
from the step of the bit to the edge of the depth collar as shown.