Operating the Seamless Switcher / Scaler Adjusting the Zoom Ratio
You can adjust the zoom ratio to up to 400% via one or both of these methods:
• Using the Zoom + and/or the Zoom - control keys
on the infra-red
remote control transmitter (see Figure 42). The pop-up OSD Enlarge status
box continuously displays the zoom ratio and position, as Figure 18 illustrates
• Using the OSD Menu buttons, as Figure 21 illustrates
Figure 21: Geometry (Zoom Ratio) Screen Adjusting the Zoom Position
You can adjust the zoom position (see the example in Figure 20) via one or
more of the following methods:
• Using the preset position control keys (see Figure 22) on the infra-red
remote control transmitter (see Figure 42), which instantly move the position
of the zoom to up to nine preset fixed locations
Figure 22: Preset Position Control Keys
• Using the navigation control keys on the infra-red remote control
transmitter (see Figure 42), to fine tune the zoom position (that is, to slowly
zoom-in at any location on the screen)
, as Figure 23 illustrates
1 The and the buttons
2 For example, to zoom-in to the lower right corner of the image, press the
3 For example, to zoom-in toward the lower right of the image, press the
and the buttons separately, as required