TBUS-6xl – Contents i
1 Introduction 1
2 Getting Started 2
2.1 Achieving the Best Performance 2
2.2 Glossary 2
3 Overview 3
4 Your TBUS-6xl Enclosure 4
4.1 TBUS-6xl Optional Inner Frames 5
4.2 TBUS-6xl Optional Inserts 5
4.3 Power Socket Options 6
4.4 Power Cord Options 7
5 Installing the TBUS-6xl 8
5.1 Assembling the Inner Frame 8
5.2 Installing the Inner Frame 10
5.3 Cutting an Opening in the Table 11
5.4 Inserting the TBUS-6xl through the Cut Out Opening 12
5.5 Connecting the Cables 13
5.6 Inserting Pass-through Cables 13
5.7 Adjusting the Height of the Inner frame 14
6 Using the TBUS-6xl 15
7 Technical Specifications of the Assembled TBUS-6xl 16
UFigure 1: TBUS-6xl Enclosure Top ViewU 4
UFigure 2: TBUS-6xl Inner Frame (P/N: 80-004499)U 9
UFigure 3: Installing the MegaTOOLU 10
UFigure 4: Cut out DimensionsU 11
UFigure 5: Inserting TBUS-6xl into the Prepared OpeningU 12
UFigure 6: TBUS-6xl Boardroom InstallationU 15