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Chapter 5
PCI-1712/1712L User’s Manual
Advantech Co., Ltd.
5.2 Analog Output Features
The PCI-1712 card provides two 12-bit multi-range analog output (D/A)
channels. This section describes the following features of the D/A
w Analog output ranges
w Analog output operation modes
w D/A output clock sources
w Trigger sources
w Analog Output Data Format
Analog Output Ranges
The PCI-1712 provides two 12-bit analog output channels, both of
which can be configured to be applicable within 0 ~ 5 V, 0 ~ 10 V,
± 5 V, ± 10 V output voltage range. On the other hand, users can use
external reference voltage of 0 ~ x V or ± x V output voltage range,
where the value of x is from -10 to +10. Users can configure the output
range during driver installation or in software programming.
Analog Output Operation Modes
The PCI-1712 can output data in single value, continuous output
operation mode. These analog output operation modes are described
in more detail in the following sections:
q Single Value Operation Mode
The single value conversion mode is the simplest way for analog
output operation. Users can define each channel as single output
conversion mode. Then users just need to use software to write output
data to specific I/O register. The analog output channels will output
the corresponding voltage immediately. In the single value operation
mode, users need not set any clock source and trigger source, but only
output voltage range.
q Continuous Output Operation Mode
In continuous output operation mode, users can accurately control the
update rate (up to 1 MS/s with DMA data transferring) between
conversions of individual analog output channels, and takes full
advantage of the PCI-1712. In this mode you can specify a clock
source and trigger source and either of the two analog output channels
to work in continuous output operation mode. But when both of them
operate in this mode, the maximum update rate will be 500 kS/s for each