Kodak i780 Scanner vs. Canon DR-X10C Scanner
Kodak i780 Scanner
Canon DR-X10C Scanner
Competitive BenChmarking
Image and data integrity
Testing observations and conclusions
Lower-quality characters pose a serious challenge for the
Lower-quality characters pose a serious challenge for the
Lower-quality characters pose a serious challenge for the
Scanner, requiring time consuming trial-and-error brightness/
Scanner, requiring time consuming trial-and-error brightness/
Scanner, requiring time consuming trial-and-error brightness/
contrast adjustments that reduce productivity.
contrast adjustments that reduce productivity.
contrast adjustments that reduce productivity.
i780 Scanner exceeds the performance of the
i780 Scanner exceeds the performance of the
i780 Scanner exceeds the performance of the
Scanner with default settings—even with brightness/contrast
Scanner with default settings—even with brightness/contrast
Scanner with default settings—even with brightness/contrast
optimally adjusted for the
optimally adjusted for the
outperforms it at default
Scanner, with default settings, maximizes the
Scanner, with default settings, maximizes the
integrity of every document scanned, both for viewing and
integrity of every document scanned, both for viewing and
downstream data extraction in real-world scenarios.
Perfect Page image processing automatically delivers
consistently high OCR read rates, exceptional image quality, and
a greatly reduced need for rescans.
Competitive knockouts
i780 Scanner provides outstanding image and data
Kodak i780 Scanner provides outstanding image and data Kodak
integrity and OCR read rates, even for real-world imaging challenges,
DR-X10C Scanner does not perform nearly as well.
Even challenging documents become productive images
Scanner requires a great deal of time to optimize brightness/
contrast adjustments and eort to rescan documents.
Kodak helps ensure that scanned images comprise the
best image quality possible—a critical factor in document
management workflow—while the
make a claim to pleasant aesthetics. Kodak delivers real-world
Even with optimized settings,
substandard OCR performance for a production scanner.
Without adjustments and optimized settings, the
DR-X10C Scanner performance drops even further.
For detailed information about testing methodology and
laboratory test results, click here
Count on Kodak for consistent and true performance.
Count out Canon.
Test: Light Document Challenge
OCR Read Rate
for Canon
OCR Read Rate
for Kodak i780
Batch of documents with light text density (8-point type) scanned at 200 dpi
(LO82) with default settings for both scanners
Batch of documents with light text density (8-point type) scanned at 200 dpi
(LO82); brightness and contrast settings optimized for Canon; default settings
Batch of documents with light text density (10-point type) scanned at 200 dpi
(L102) with default settings for both scanners
Batch of documents with light text density (10-point type) scanned at 200 dpi
(L102) with optimized settings for Canon; default settings for Kodak
©Kodak, 2009. Kodak is a trademark of Kodak.
All testing conducted in quality assurance labs at Kodak’s Document Imaging headquarters facility, 2600 Manitou Road, Rochester, NY from November 18th, 2008 – December 11th, 2008.