A-61560 June 2006 61
• Custom: allows you to manually adjust the Color amount and/or
Color threshold.
NOTE: When setting Sensitivity values, it is suggested that you start
with the Medium option and scan a typical job set. If too
many documents were returned as color/grayscale vs. black
and white, then change to the High option and re-run the job.
If too few documents were returned as color/grayscale vs.
black and white, then change to the Low option and re-run
the job. If none of these options provide the desired result,
select Custom to manually adjust Color Amount and/or Color
Threshold. Custom also allows access to the Learn mode
which provides a method for the scanner to analyze
documents and recommend settings.
Color amount — the amount of color that needs to be present in a
document before it will be saved as either color or grayscale. As the
value of Color Amount increases, more color pixels are required. Valid
values are 1 to 200.
Color threshold — the color threshold or saturation (i.e., pale blue vs.
dark blue) at which a given color will be included in the color amount
calculation. A higher value indicates that a more intense color is
required. Valid values are 0 to 100.
Learn — if you select Custom, the Learn option is available.
1. Click Learn.
2. Place at least 5 representative color documents in the input tray and
click OK. These documents will be scanned and analyzed and the
recommended color amount will be calculated for you.
The Color Amount and Color Threshold sliders will be updated
NOTE: These settings were calculated based on the representative
color documents scanned. If these values do not provide the
desired results with your job set, you may need to manually
adjust the Color Threshold.