68 A-61602 January 2008
The Device Settings
From this window you can set all scanner-specific options, as well as
diagnostics, by using the available tabs. The values used in Device
Settings are saved in the selected Setting Shortcut. the Device Setting
window includes the General and Multifeed tabs.
Home — returns you to the main Kodak Scanner window.
Image — displays the Image Settings window.
Preview — initiates a scan and then displays the Image Settings
window with the scanned image placed in the preview area. The image
displayed is a sample based on your current shortcut settings.
OK/Scan — when selected, you will be prompted to save any unsaved
NOTE: If this button is OK, any unsaved changes will remain in effect
for the current scan session.
Cancel — closes the main Kodak Scanner window without saving any
Information Icons
About: displays the scanners’ version and copyright information.
Help: displays help information for the window currently being