A-41069 January 1993
F45 Print Test
Allows you to test the position and print quality of all document printers
(Document Printer 1 (primary), Document Printer 1 (secondary), and
Document Printer 12) installed.
NOTE: Print Test options 3=Shift and 4=Test are available only when
using the Document Printer 12.
Print Test:
1=Print IA 2=Prime 3=Shift 4=Test
• Enter the number one (1) to perform a Print IA test; or
Enter the number two (2) to perform a Prime test; or
Enter the number three (3) to perform a Shift test; or
Enter the number four (4) to perform a standard test.
• Press the Enter key.
F46 Print Position
Allows you to specify how far from the leading edge of the document (fed
into the transport first) all document printers (Document Printer 1 (primary),
Document Printer 1 (secondary), and Document Printer 12) will print
The default print position, defined during installation, is used as the base
value. The use of inches or millimeters depends upon the measurement
system specified during installation.
FFF.003.002.001 Mode 10
Front Print Position: .250 (in) <-->
• Press the up arrow key to increment the starting print position by
one (1) inch [25 mm]; or
Press the down arrow key to decrement the starting print position by
one (1) inch [25 mm]; or
Press the right arrow key to increment the starting print position by
one-eighth (0.125) inch [3 mm]; or
Press the left arrow key to decrement the starting print position by
one-eighth (0.125) inch [3 mm].
• Press the Enter key.