Correcting Problems
January 1998
Alternate Head Cleaning Instructions
Small particles of dust or debris may stick to the printhead, causing lines
or streaks to appear in your prints. These particles can usually be
removed easily by following the head cleaning instructions in Chapter 1,
Getting Started.
The following procedure may be used to remove more stubborn debris,
or when you do not have a cleaning pad.
NOTE: Refer to Chapter 3,
for information about ordering extra
cleaning pads.
1. Turn the printer off.
2. Open the printer cover.
3. Remove the ribbon spools carefully if a ribbon is loaded.
NOTE: When handling the thermal ribbon, hold it by the ends of the white
plastic spools. Wear lint-free gloves for best results. Fingerprints
on the ribbon web may severely reduce image quality.
4. Stand the ribbon spools on end, or set the ribbon on a clean surface
so that dust and dirt are not picked up.
5. Dampen a clean, lint-free, soft cotton cloth slightly with distilled water.
Make sure that the cloth is not dripping wet.
NOTE: Do not use cotton or cotton blends because they shed lint
particles. 100% polyester or nylon fabrics work well.