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Notes on playing MP3 files
This unit can play MP3 files.
Note, however, that the MP3 file recording media and
formats acceptable are limited.
When writing MP3 files, pay attention to the following
Acceptable media
The MP3 file recording media acceptable to this unit are CD-ROM,
CD-R, and CD-RW.
Acceptable medium formats
The medium formats acceptable to this unit are ISO 9660 Level 1 and
Level 2 excluding the extended formats. When reading an MP3 file
written in a format other than ISO 9660 Level 1 or Level 2, the unit
may fail to play the file normally or display the file or folder name
The major specifications of ISO 9660 Level 1 and Level 2 are as
• Maximum number of directory levels: 8
• Maximum number of files and folders per directory level:
253 (files and folders in total)
• Characters available to file and folder names:
A - Z, 0 - 9, _(underscore)
• Maximum number of characters in file names:
Level 1 : 12 (including a separator "." and a 3-character extension)
Level 2 : 31 (including a separator "." and a 3-character extension)
Settings for your MP3 encoder and CD writer
When you use your MP3 encoder to compress audio data to an MP3
file, set the transfer bit rate of the encoder to fixed 128 kbps.
When you use your CD writer to record MP3 files up to the maximum
disc capacity, disable additional writing. For recording on an empty
disk up to the maximum capacity at once, check Disc at Once.
Entering file and folder names
When entering file and folder names, use alphanumeric characters
only. If entered with any other character, the file and folder names are
not displayed correctly. They may neither be displayed correctly
depending on the CD writer used.
Note that the unit cannot display ID tags even though they have been
embedded in MP3 files.
The unit recognizes and plays only those MP3 files which have the
MP3 filename extension (.MP3). MP3 files should therefore be saved
with the MP3 extension.
Writing files into a medium
When a medium containing MP3 data is loaded, the unit checks all
the files on the medium. If the medium contains a lot of folders or
non-MP3 files, therefore, it takes a long time until the unit starts
playing MP3 files.
In addition, it may take time for the unit to move to the next MP3 file
or a file search or folder search may not be performed smoothly.
You should not write non-MP3 files or unneeded folders along with
MP3 files on the medium.
When playing MP3 files on a medium which also contains non-
MP3 files or folders, observe the following precautions. Loading
such a medium may produce loud noise to break the speakers.
• Do no attempt to play a medium containing a non-MP3 file
with the MP3 extension.
The unit mistakes non-MP3 files for MP3 files as long as they
have the MP3 extension.
• Do not attempt to play a medium containing non MP3 file.