Read thefottowing information carefully Failureto
do so could cause a malfunction of the range and
result in death, serious bodily injury and/or
property damage
1 You must provide an adequate electrical supply
outlet as required for your range Check with
Iocal utility for governing electrical codes and
ordinances. In the absence of local electrical
codes, the National Electrical Code, NFPA No.
70, governing electric range installations must
be followed A copy of the National Electrical
Code, NFPA No 70, can be obtained by writing
to: National Fire Protection Association, 470
Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Mass. 0221Q
2 Have the electrical wiring and hookup done by a
competent electrician A three-wire, single-
phase, A C. !20/240 volt (or 120/208 volt for dua!
rated models),60 Hertz electrical system (properly
fused to meet NFPA No.. 70) must be provided.
Range curcuit should be fused with a 40 amp
Use size No 8copper wire (min)for making the
range line connections DO NOT USE ALUMINUM
WIRE If smaller wire sizes are used the range
efficiency wilt be reduced and a fire hazard may
be created
If the electrical supply system must have an
ungrounded neutral, remove the ground strap
from the neutral of the junction block Fasten the
neutral to the junction block neutral and use the
screw from the ground strap to fasten the separate
ground wire to the unit The ground wire should
be a No 10 gauge wire secured to the range
ground screw and to a cold water' pipe or other
suitable ground
Unplug the range from wall outlet or otherwise
interrupt the source of electricity when attempt-
ing to repair or service the range Failure to do
this could result in a rata1 shock
POWER -- Power is connected to the junction
block located at the lower back of range,
Junction Block -- Remove three screws from
bottom wire cover and remove cover showing
junction block
Terminal Leads -- Connections to the range
carl be made with a three-wire range cord or
with wires enclosed in a flexible or rigid conduit
Right under the junction block is the entrance
hole for connection of flexible conduit
the shipping clips holding the surface units in
CAUTION -- Before using your oven be sure
cardboard and tape are removed. The four
screws used to anchor' the range to the wood
shipping base must be removed. These screws
must be replaced to be used later for leveling
your range Destroy afl cartoning materials like
cardboard and plastic bags. Such materials,
when used by small children, can become air
tight chambers if placed over their heads.