8. Installationanduseof this patioheatermust
conformwith localcodesor, in the absenceof
localcodes,with the Standardsof Storageand
Handlingof LiquefiedPetroleumGases,ANSI/
9. Thispatioheateris designedto operatewith a
standard20 lb. LiquidPropaneGas(LP gas)
tankwith Type1 TankConnectionDeviceas
shownin Fig. 2. (A.G.A.Requirements10-94).
Thepropanetankmust(1) be providedwith a
shutoffvalve.Theoutletof thetankvalvemust
be 1-5/16ACMEmalethreadspecifiedin Type
1 TankConnectionDeviceperA.G.A.
is designedto providea positivesealingdevice
for safety;(2) the tanksupplysystemmustbe
arrangedfor vaporwithdrawal;and (3) the tank
usedmust includea collarto protectthe tank
valve.TheLP gassupplytankmustbe
constructedand markedin accordancewith the
specificationsfor LP gas tanksof the U.S.
Departmentof Transportation.
Figure 2
Propane Tank
(not included)
R4uIator Coupling Nut
Screw the coupling nut of regulator onto the outlet
tank valve.
10. The tank valve outlet must be maintained in
good condition. When the tank is not
connected to the patio heater, cover the valve
with the tank supplied, dust cap. A leak test
should be performed with soapy water
whenever connecting a new tank. Never use a
match to test for leaks.
11.The propane tank must be turned off whenever
the patio heater is not in use. When the patio
heater is stored indoors, the connection
between the propane tank and the heater must
be disconnected and stored in accordance with
Chapter 5 of the Standard for Storage and
Handling of Liquefied Gases, ANSI/NFPA 58.
Clothing or other flammable materials should
not be hung from the heater, or placed on or
near the heater. The area above the post may
be extremely hot. Direct contact with these
metal surfaces should be avoided in order to
prevent burns or clothing ignition.
The patio heater has been designed with several
safety features. These include a 100% safety
shutoff control, elevated heating element, weighted
base, and Type 1 Tank Connection Device.
The Electronic Ignition System is an
advanced feature which makes lighting the
patio heater a very easy and matchless
process. Any modification to the patio heater
not described in the Owner's Manual may
compromise the safety of this appliance and
will void your warranty. Special concern
should be given to the following warnings:
• DO NOT shorten the post length
• DO NOT bypass the thermocouple
• DO NOT operate heater without a reflector
• DO NOT operate without the weighted base
• DO NOT attempt to convert the patio heater
for natural gas use.
Failure to comply with these instructions
could result in a fire or explosion which
could cause serious bodily injury, death,
or property damage.
For outdoor use only. If stored indoors,
detach and leave LP gas tank outdoors. The
LP gas supply tank must be disconnected
when patio heater is not in use.
CAUTION: You must use only the gas
regulator provided with this patio heater. This
regulator is set for an outlet pressure of 11
inches water column.