9 English
We hereby declare that the machine de-
scribed below complies with the relevant ba-
sic safety and health requirements of the EU
Directives, both in its basic design and con-
struction as well as in the version put into cir-
culation by us. This declaration shall cease
to be valid if the machine is modified without
our prior approval.
Relevant EU Directives:
73/23/EEC (+93/68/EEC)
89/336/EEC (+91/263/EEC, 92/31/EEC, 93/
Applied harmonized standards:
DIN EN 60,335 – 1:
DIN EN 60,335 – 2 – 79
DIN EN 55014-1:2000 + A1:2001 + A2:2002
DIN EN 55,014 – 2: 1997 + A1:2001
DIN EN 61 000 – 3 – 2: 2000
DIN EN 61 000 – 3 – 3: 1995 + A1: 2001
Applied conformity evaluation method: Ap-
pendix V
Appropriate internal measures have been
taken to ensure that the series appliances
always comply with the requirements of the
currently valid EU Directives and the applied
The undersigned act on behalf and under
the power of attorney of the company man-
Alfred Kärcher Kommanditgesellschaft. Lo-
cation: Winnenden. Registration Court:
Waiblingen, HRA 169 (Trade Register Sec-
tion A 169). Partner liable to an unlimited ex-
tent: Kärcher Reinigungstechnik GmbH.
Location: Winnenden, 2404 Registration
Court Waiblingen, HRB (Trade Register
Section B),
Managing Director: Dr. Bernhard Graf,
Hartmut Jenner, Georg Metz
Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG
Cleaning Systems
Alfred - Kärcher - Str. 28 - 40
P.O. Box 160
D - 71349 Winnenden
Phone: +49 7195 14-0
Fax: +49 7195 14-2212
PRODUCT: High-pressure cleaner
TYPE: 1.636-xxx
Measured sound power level: 91 dB(A)
Guaranteed sound power level: 92 dB(A)