
The AV-56WP30 or AV-48WP30 is equipped with its own internal clock. The clock is used to
run the televisions timer features. The clock MUST be set before you can use any of the timer
features. Your television features the XDS AUTO CLOCK set feature which makes setting the
correct time simple.
To set the clock, use the arrows to move to SET CLOCK on the PLUG IN MENU. Select the
option by pressing _ or _.
The SET CLOCK menu wilt now appear. If you have a Public Television System station
broadcasting in your local area you can select the AUTO option (PBS stations carry the XDS
time signal). The television wilt automatically collect the time information. The only information
you will need to provide is what time zone you are located in and if Daylight Savings Time is
currently in effect.
Once the AUTO mode has been selected, use the _' arrow to move to TIME ZONE. Select the
time zone using the "_ or _ arrows. Once your time zone is set, use the _' arrow to move to
D.S.T. Select D.S.T., by pressing "_ or _. Choose ON or OFF with the _ or _ arrows. Now
use the _' arrow to move to FINISH. Finish by pressing "_ or _.
If you do not have a PBS station in your local area, or if the AUTO option does not give you the
correct time for your area, you wilt have to set the time manually. Select the MANUAL option.
To set the clock manually, use the _' arrow to move to the Time. Use the _ or _ arrows to
set the hours. Press the _' arrow to move to minutes. Set the minutes with the 4 or
arrows. When the correct time is set, use the _' arrow to move to START CLOCK. Press _ or
to start the clock and exit.
Special Note for residents of Newfoundland [n Canada.
The Newfoundland time zone is not included in the time zones listed in AUTO CLOCK SETUP.
If you live in the Newfoundland time zone, you must set your clock using the manual clock set
Once you have completed setting the options in the PLUG IN MENU, choose FINISH to leave
the menu and begin watching your television. Use the arrows to move to FINISH at the bottom
of the PLUG IN MENU. Select FINISH by pressing "_ or _. Your PLUG IN MENU settings are
now complete. You may now begin watching your television. If you wish to further customize
your television to your viewing preferences, please continue reading.
ur PLUG !N-b1ENU settings at anYtime. YouC_n access i
LANGUAGE AUTO TUNER SETUP and SET CLOCK from the onscreen menu system.