AC-Series Operator’s Manual-E/F 41
IMPORTANT: Protect washer from freezing temperatures.
If unit will experience freezing conditions,
pump must be filled with antifreeze to
prevent cracking of pump manifold and
relief valve due to water expansion. Draining
alone will not remove all the water.
CAUTION: If the washer will be used where food is
prepared, stored or consumed, or where sanitation
is required, use a nontoxic antifreeze.
1. Stop engine.
2. Change engine oil. (See Engine Service section.)
3. Add TY15977 Gasoline Stabalizer as directed on label.
4. With water owing through gun, run engine ve minutes
to draw stabilized gasoline into carburetor. Stop engine.
5. Close water supply and remove inlet supply hose. Install
short piece of hose on water inlet. Fill short hose with
water, cap open end with nger and place in a container
of TY8261 John Deere Rust Inhibiting Antifreeze.
6. Start engine. Place nozzle into container and trigger gun
for 30 seconds.
NOTE: Trigger must be released to pull antifreeze into relief
7. Release trigger for 30 seconds to direct antifreeze into
relief valve
IMPORTANT: Dispose of the sprayed solution according
to instructions on the antifreeze container.
8. Disconnect supply line.
9. Turn fuel valve to “OFF” position.
10. Remove spark plug and squirt 10 cc of 2 cycle oil into
cylinder. Turn crankshaft over 5 times to distribute the oil
throughout cylinder.
11. Install spark plug and pull starter handle slowly until
compression is felt and stop there.
CAUTION: Gasoline fumes can accumulate and
explode if exposed to an open ame or spark. If
storing washer with fuel in tank, be certain there
are no open ame, pilot lights or spark activated
devices (i.e. stoves, furnaces, water heaters) in the
storage area.
12. Store washer in a clean, dry area AWAY FROM any device
that has a pilot light or is spark activated (stove, furnace,
water heater).
Prepare washer as previously directed. Connect and open water
supply. Squeeze trigger on gun. Allow water to run (without
engine running) until water runs out of the pressure hose.
Dispose of antifreeze solution according to the instructions on the
antifreeze container.