Removing and Replacing the Automatic
Ice Cube Dispenser Bin (]RSD226 Only)
Lift the front of the Automatic Dispenser bin and pull it straight out. Wash the bin occa-
sionally in mild soap and lukewarm water. To replace the bin, push it all the way back
until the bottom of the bin is behind the raised edge at the front of the shelf it restsupon.
Make sure the tabs, at the back of the bin, that turn the spiral auger are positioned be-
tween the prongs from the auger motor.
Operating Your Automatic Ice Cube Dispenser
(]RSD226 Only)
Prevent ice cubes from missing your glass by hold-
ing it as high as possible (just below the ice chute).
Pressthe glassagainstthe padded lever at the left IH
sideof thefountain.Tostopdispensingice,release
pressurejust enoughto stopthe dispenser motor
and leavethe glassin place to holdthe dooropen
untilice stopsfalling.With a littlepractice,you will
learn toanticipatewhen to releasepressuretopre-
ventan unwanteddispenseof ice,whichoccurseach
one and one half seconds.
After installation,it may take 1 to 2 daysto fill the
AutomaticDispenser binwith cubes.
Operating Your Water Dispenser (lRSD226 Only)
To dispense water,press a containeragainst the pad-
ded lever at the right side of the fountain. To stop the
water flow, release pressure. To minimize splashing,
hold the container as high as possible.
When you first operate your dispenser or after recon-
necting water to your refrigerator, air will escape from
the dispenser for a few minutes before water begins to
flow. Draw 10glasses of water and empty them in the
kitchen sink. Thiswill insure completefilling of the reser-
voir with fresh water.
Spill Tray
Do not discard water into the grille at the bottom of the fountain. This is a spill area,
not a drain. Normal spills will be evaporated in the recessed area below the spill shelf
grille. Excessive spills should be removed with an absorbent sponge or cloth. The spill
area should be cleaned occasionally.
Fountain Light
The push button light switch is located behind the panel at the top and on the right side
of your fountain. For replacement, use a 120v, 7 watt bulb.