Oven Operation
5, At the end of the programmed Cook Time, the oven will
shut off automatically and a "chime" will be heard four
times and "End" will appear in the display. Press the
Cancel pad.
If oven is not cancelled, "End" will remain in the display
and there will be one chime every minute for 10 minutes.
? :
€ One minute befo_ the end of
light will come on urifil the end-df_eycle €liim_S are
completed. The !igh_ can hemmed 6ffprior tothe end :
of the Chimes ;by pressirtg the Oven" Li_i pad 6r
pressing the CanCel pad_ (PresSing the Caned pad ;
witl also cance! _ opdmtion_j
To Delay the Start and Turn Off Automatically:
1--4. Follow preceding steps 1-4.
5. Press thc Stop Time pad. Indicator words STOP and TIME
will flash. (DispLay will show the calculated stop time based
on the current time of day and the cook time that you entered
6. Press the appropriate number pads to enter the time you
wish the oven to stop. A stop time can only be accepted for
later in the day.
Example: lfat 10:00 you set the oven for 350 ° convection
baking and 2 hours and 30 minutes of cooking time, the
calculated stop time would be "! 2:30". The display would
12:30 Zoo°]
S_3P _qMl_ PRFJI_T_ I
If you want the stop time to be 1:00, press the number pads
"1,0,0. Five seconds later, the display will briefly show the
start time of 10:30 along with the indicator words DELAY,
If 0:30 3so°
After five seconds, the display will return to the current time
of day along with the indicator words DELAY, TIMED.
At the end of the delayed period, the DELAY indicato
word will go off and the oven will begin to heat.
7. At the end of the programmed Cook Time, the oven wil
shut off automatically and a "chime" will be heard fou:
times and "End" will appear in the display. Press tN
Cancel pad.
If the oven is not cancelled. "End" will remain in th,
display and there will be one chime every minute for
• If more than five seconds elapse between pressing a
function pad and pressing the appropriate number
pads. the oven is NOT set and display will return to
the previous display.
• In double wMl ovens, the clock controlled feature can
be used with only one oven at a time.
• In double wal! o,¢ens, if one:oven is. set for Clock
cO_trolled baking, the other oven Cannot be set m
• To recall the time programmed, press the appropriate
ttme pad. . .
0 To cancel a timed function, hold the Cook Time pad
for four seconds. This will only cancel _e cook time
and stop time, not the set bake temperature.
• Clock Controlled Cooking isnot recommended fo r
baked items that require a preheated oven, such as
Cakes_ cookies; pies and breads, For these foods,
place food in preheated ovefi and 'set the timer to
signal the e_d of baking time. :
I0:00 3s o°
_ON7 B,_E
t_k_ TIME_