Check these points if your dishwasher... • Increase detergent use accordingto water
Leaves food soil on dishes • Checkfor improperloadingand do not over-
• Check to see that the water heater is set to load. Dishesshouldnot nesttogether.
delivera minimumof 120°F water at the fau- • Plasticitemshavea poroussurfaceand tend
cet. to holdwater.Towel dryingmay be required.
• Turn on hotwater at kitchensinkbeforerun- • Glasses,cups,etc.,withconcavebottomswill
ning the dishwasher to be certain that hot hold water.
water is entering the first wash cycle.
• Models DW760 & DW860 Only - Select the Stains or discolors dishes
AccuTempTM option. • Aluminum utensils can leave markswhen they
• Checkwater hardness.Forextreme hardwater rub against other things. Load properly.
conditions it may be necessary to install a e lrondeposits in the water can leave ayellow or
mechanical water softener, brown film on dishes. You may desire to have
eUse the amount of detergent recommended aspecialfilterinstalledinthewatersupplyline,
for your water hardness, and be sure it is put or periodicallyuseRoVer Rust Remover. (See
in the dispenser as directed previously. Water Conditions, pp. 11-12.)
• Usefreshhighphosphatedetergent that is not
caked. Store detergent in cool, dry place. Cycle takes too long
• Select proper cycle for soil level of dish load. (Heating Delay light stays on)
• Be sure dishes are loaded properly with noth- • Model DW730 - The water temperature is too
ing blocking the path of the wash arms, center low and the dishwasher is automatically ex-
spray nozzle or detergent dispenser, tending the cycle to heat water to the proper
• Check for nesting of dishes that prevents temperature.
water from reaching all surfaces. • Models DW760 & DW860 - The AccuTempTM
• Check to make sure glasses are not loaded option hasbeen selectedwhichwillextendthe
over prongs, cycleto heatwaterthermostaticallywhenwater
temperature is low.
Leaves glassware cloudy or spotted
• Adjust the detergent amount to your water Clean light remains on
hardness as described earlier in this book. • Turn dial slightly clockwise until lightshuts off.
Avoid overuse or underuse of detergent.
• Check to see that the water heater is set to Seems noisy
deliver a minimumof 120°Fwater atthe faucet • Water circulation noise is normal.
nearest the dishwasher. Avoid extremely high • Humming during drain is normal.
or low temperatures.
• Use a rinse aid such as Jet-Dry. • Dishes may not be loaded properly. Dishes
• Do not pre-rinse dishes before loading them should not be touching one another.
into the dishwasher. • Wash arm may be hitting an item when rotat-
e Refer to Water Conditions for more informa- ing. Load items so nothing blocks the wash
tion. (See pp. 11-12.) arm.
• Chopping or grinding noise may be heard
Does not dry properly during the cycle when the internal food dis-
• Be sure the Heat Dry option is selected, poser is chopping food.
• Use a rinse aid.
• Check to see that the water heater is set to • Detergent cup lid hits door liner when dish-
delivera minimumof 120°Fwater atthe faucet washer door is opened at end of cycle and is
nearestthe dishwasher. Run water and check normal.
temperature with a candy thermometer. • Installation (location, flooring, cabinetry, etc.)
can affect noise level.
• Water valve hiss during fill is normal.