
What you can usually wash safely in your dishwasher.
And what you can't.
Material Safe Exceptions (not safe) Special Instructions
Aluminum YES Some colored anodized Some darkeningor spotting possible. Removeby
aluminum can fade. scouring withsoap-filledsteel woolpads.
China/ YES Antique, metal-trimmed, If in doubt,check with the manufacturer. Or test wash
Stoneware hand-paintedor over-the-glaze one piece daily for at least a month. Compare with the
patterns fade. rest of the set.
Gold leafwill discolor.
Crystal YES Antique, metal-trimmedor Load securely topreventmovement.
hand-painted patterns fade. Check manufacturer's instructions for your crystal.
Gold leaf will discolor.
Do not wash in dishwasher. Damage todishwasher
and discoloration or stainingof dishwasher may result.
filters, furnace
filters, paint
brushes, etc.
Glass YES MilkGlassmayyellow.
Iron NO Ironwill rust.
Pewter NO Pewtertarnishes.
Plastics YES I " '
fit doesnt say DISHWASHERSAFE, testone piece
beforedishwashingan entireset. Wash in toprack only.
Stainless steel YES Rinseif notwashingimmediately.Salty or acid foods
can stain ifleft on.
Sterling Silver YES Don't put insame silverware Rinse if not washingimmediately.Salty oracidfoods
and Silver basket with stainless steel, can stainif left on. Dry detergentcan causedifficult-
plate Contact betweenmetals can to-removeblack spots. Place in back sectionofsilverware
damage silver, basketto avoidexposureto detergentfrom thedetergent cup.
Don't wash copper utensils in
the sameload. Silver may get a
brown film.
Adhesive usedto attachsome
Non-stick YES After washing, wipe the non-stick coating area with
coatings vegetable oilto keep it from losing its non-stickquality.
NO Tin can rust.
Wood NO Woodcan warp,crack orlose
its finish with anytype washing.
Forget a dish? Here's when However, opening the door during 2. Wait a few seconds until the
you can add it. any cycle lessens cleaning power, water calms. Then open the door.
Add dishes any time during the So try to load everything at the 3. Add dishes you've forgotten.
RINSE & HOLD cycle. With other beginning. 4. Close the door and push the
wash cycles, you can add dishes Here's how to add a forgotten dish: latch to the far right. When the
at any time BEFORE the main 1. Push the door latch to the left. door is locked, washing will
detergent wash portion of the cycle. Washing will stop. continue.