• Tocleanlight soil,wipe withsoapycloth or nonabrasivecleanser,suchas Soft Scrub.
Rinse,buff withsoft cloth; polishwith glass cleanerif necessary.
• To cleanmoderatesoil or discolorationof thesurface (excessive heatwill cause a
golden discoloration), clean with Zud, Bar Keepers Friend, or Luneta (Jenn-Air
ModelA9t 2, Part No.712191). With a spongeor cloth,rubcleanserwiththe grain
to avoid streakingthe surface. Rinse well,buff dry; polishwitha glasscleanerif
necessary to remove cleanser residue and smudge marks.
• Heavy soil,such asburned on food soil, can be removed by first cleaning as per the
instructionsfor moderatesoil. Stubborn stainscanbe removedwith a damp Scotch-
Britescour-pad; rub evenlywith the grainto avoid streaking the surface. Rinsewell,
buff with drycloth; polish with glasscleaner if necessaryto removecleanser residue
and smudge marks. Scotch-Brite is also useful in buffing and removing minor
• Itisimportantto keep igniterport openings on burners clearand free of obstructions
to avoid ignitionfailure andpossible gas buildup. If the port openingsare blocked,
usea toothpick to remove food particles.
• The igniter cap and stem can be cleaned with warm soapy water and a plastic
scrubber. Thewire electrode insidethecapcan becleaned withasmalrbrush. Rinse
and dry.
A drain jar is located belowthe grill basin pan
under the countertop. Check periodically to
preventspillovers. Unscrewand remove. Ifjar
isbroken, replacewith any heat tempered jar,
such as a canning jar, which has a standard
screw neck.
Serial Plate: Do notclean.