To adjust grill burner air
The left hand air shutter controls the rear _ _ GRILLBURNERAIRSHUTTER
half of the grill burner. The right hand shutter _ _ _o9,_
controls the front half. ____c°_o_ i_"
Slide air shutter backward or forward to A_ROPEN_NG_'_J
increase or decrease the size of the air open- AIR SHUTTER _ L ,_'_=_
ing. Air shutters fit snugly on the grill burner, INSERTSCREWDRIVERBLADE
so a screwdriver blade may be required to SLIGHTPRESSURETOALLOW
make this adjustment. Observe change in A_RSHUTTERTOSLIDEEASILY.
flame appearance asthe air shutter is moved.
Adjustment is satisfactory when a clearly defined, even blue flame results at the
Hi flame setting. The snug fit of the air shutter assures it will remain positioned
On any burner, closing the air shutter too far will cause the flame to become soft
and yellow tipped. Opening the air shutter too wide will cause the flame to blow
away from the burner ports. Proper adjustment will produce a sharp, clearly defined,
even, blue flame.
Lo Flame Adjustment
This appliance has been shipped from the factory with Lo and Meal flame settings
adjusted for use with natural gas and average installations. There is a wide variety
of conditions caused by altitude and gas mixtures controlled by utility companies,
which will vary and affect the gas flame and performance. Adjustments should be
made at time of installation. If conditions change, follow the procedures outlined
below to adjust the Lo setting.
To adjust the Lo setting:
1. Light burner and set control knob for low flame.
2. Remove control knob from valve stem.
Never use a metal blade to pry knob off. If knob cannot be easily removed,
tuck the folds of a cloth dishtowel under the knob skirt and pull the towel
upward with steady, even pressure.
3. Insert a slender, thin-blade screwdriver _ COUNTERCLOCKWISE
into the recess at center of valve stem _ S_ZE
and engage blade with slot in adjusting CLOCKWtSEL li_lll ,.
screw. TO REDUCE
4. Turn center stem adjusting screw slightly (__ .,.,
to set flame size. Note: Turn clockwise
to reduce or counterclockwise to in-
crease flame size.
5. Replace control knob when adjustment STEM
is completed.
Proper adjustment will produce a stable, steady blue flame of minimum size. The
final adjustment should be checked by turning knob from Hi to Lo several times
without extinguishing the flame.
This adjustment, at the Lo setting, will automatically provide the proper flame size
at Med setting.