
1. Beforeinstallinggrillcomponents,becertain __ ___
surfacecontrolsare in the OFF position. /l|_i_.ll/_/,,__
2. Place the linerpan intoan empty grill basin IYI//II__---_
withthe openingnext to the terminal block. _ '
The liner pan mustbe used since it supports
the grill element,
3. Positionthe grill element with the terminal
plugtowards the terminal receptacle. Slide Fig. A
thee_ementtowards the receptacle until the
terminal plug is completely engaged (See
Fig. A). ,,_J_•
4. The grill element should restflat on the side
ledges of the grill liner pan. Do not place
black grill grates over grill element,
5. Unfold front and rear supports of rotiss
accessoryuntileach is standingvertically.
Next,liftthesidepaneland engagethetabs Fig. B
frontand rear supports(See Fig. B).
6, Set the accessorybase into the grill basin
the legwillfit intoa slotonthe outsideedge
of the basinpan. (See Fig. C.)
7. Attachmotortorearsupportbyinsertingthe
two motor mounting studs into the two
keyhole-shapedslots in the support (See Fig,C
Fig. D). The motor should be positioned
horizontallywith the power cord pointed
upward. CAUTION: Positionmotor cord
aroundthe outsideof the Rotiss-Kebabto
prevent motorcord from touchingthe grill
element. To turnonmotor,plugcordintoan
8. The accessorycan now be assembledfor
useas a rotisserieorfor preparingkebabs.
Fig. B