Volume may be adjusted
using the Subwoofer Level
∫, as shown.
The Phase control deter-
mines whether the sub-
woofer’s pistonlike action
moves in and out in phase
with the main speakers or
opposite the main speakers.
There is no correct or incor-
rect setting. Proper phase
adjustment depends on sev-
eral variables, such as sub-
woofer placement and lis-
tener position. Adjust the
Phase switch
ç to maxi-
mize bass output at the
listening position.
Remember, every system,
room and listener is differ-
ent. There are no right or
wrong settings; this switch
offers the added flexibility to
adjust your subwoofer for
optimum performance for
your specific listening condi-
tions without having to move
your speakers. If at some
time in the future you hap-
pen to rearrange your listen-
ing room and move your
speakers, you should experi-
ment with the phase switch
in both positions, and leave
it in the position that maxi-
mizes bass performance.
CS OM 5/16/06 9:24 AM Page 9